Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Birthweek Pick Day Two

As I sit on my couch with books toppling into my lap, stressed about prepping a lesson plan for tomorrow and Thursday (and the additional stress that implies), I want to make sure I mention the second pick for my birthweek.

During my service as a missionary in the Ohio Cincinnati Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I met many amazing people. One of them was a fellow missionary. Sister Hovik. She was stylish, she was driven, and you couldn't help but love her. Since returning I've been following her blog. Now Ashley Lemieux, she began a non-profit organization called The Shine Project. In its genesis, Ashley encouraged people to effect change wherever they were. Noting that we may not necessarily single-handedly change the world, she makes the valuable point that if we are making positive changes wherever we are, and enough of us join, our circles of influence will overlap, we will inspire others, and we can all shine.

Later, Ashley expanded her vision by beginning a scholarship fund. Now, there is an entire line of items produced by at-risk students that generates funds for scholarships called Threads (you can buy them here--they are incredibly fashionable and trendy).

You can donate directly to The Shine Project here (all funds support a scholarship for students of Cesar Chavez High School), or you can peruse The Shine Shop and a portion of every purchase goes toward the scholarship fund as well.

This video is pulled from The Shine Project's "About" page with the tagline "watch the video to feel the power of TSP."

Feel the power. Be part of the change.

Oh, and when you make a purchase they will send you a card to pass along to others to help share change. Each card comes with a unique number, so you can see where you card has been, and where it goes. Be the change. Track the change!

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